
Helping dogs feel content at home alone
Does your dog struggle when left alone?
We provide private separation anxiety training tailored for you and your dog. Separation anxiety training isn’t a quick fix but it is a simple, scientifically proven process and with proper training, this condition can be resolved or greatly improved.
Our Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer will help you enjoy a dog who is relaxed and content being home alone so that you can regain your freedom and go out without worry or guilt.

When left alone, does your dog...
Pant, whine, bark, or howl?
Show destructive behaviours like chewing on rugs or furniture?
Try to escape by pawing at doors or the sides of their crate?
Pace, drool and cannot settle?
Have potty accidents, even though they are normally housetrained?
Refuse to eat the treats or food puzzle you left for them?

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed because you can't leave your dog at home alone?
Do you worry about your dog every time you need to leave?

Sharing your life with a dog who suffers from separation anxiety isn’t easy. No one wants to come home to their beloved dog in a panicked state, their home destroyed, and noise complaints from the neighbors.
There is hope and a path to alone time success.
Separation anxiety training isn’t a quick fix but can be resolved or greatly improved through careful, systematic desensitization to being left alone. In other words, we use positive training to help your dog feel better about being by themself—for their comfort and your peace of mind.
With professional guidance from a Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer and daily support, you can reach your goal of leaving your dog home alone stress-free.
Let me help you enjoy a dog who is relaxed and content being home alone so that you can regain your freedom and go out without worry or guilt.

Initial Consultation
We begin every Separation Anxiety program with a one-on-one virtual consultation.
The Initial Consultation allows us to thoroughly go over your dog's history, behaviour and lifestyle, discuss the challenges you are having, explore what behaviors you'd like to see and what you would like to achieve, and answer any questions you have. Then we will conduct a live assessment to determine if your dog has separation anxiety, their current threshold, and starting point.
We will then discuss observations and the best next steps. You will learn the critical first step to successful separation anxiety training, and we will provide you with management strategies to suspend absences to give you and your dog some immediate relief. The consultation includes education around the training methods and techniques we will use in the training sessions and the psychology behind your dog's behaviour.
If we determine that your dog does not have separation anxiety then we will discuss future training, like crate training, enrichment options, and behaviors to help with whatever the issue is.
Initial consultations are 60-75 minutes and are conducted through Zoom.
Initial Consult Fee: $125 (+gst)​
Please note: All clients must complete an initial consultation prior to booking any packages. Our Separation Anxiety Training packages are custom-tailored for you, your dog, and your situation. Packages offered to individual clients are recommended on a case-by-case basis depending on the behavior and training needs of the dog.

Separation Anxiety Training Package
Separation anxiety training isn’t a quick fix but can be resolved or greatly improved through careful, systematic desensitization to being left alone. In other words, we use positive training to help your dog feel better about being by herself—for her comfort and your peace of mind. With professional guidance from a Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer and daily support, you can reach your goal of leaving your dog home alone stress-free.
4-Week Training Package Includes:
A dedicated coach to support you every step of the way
5 customized training plans per week written by your trainer (20 training plans total)
5 30-45 minute virtual training sessions with your trainer
First training plan done together virtually via Zoom to help set you up on the right path for success.​
Once a week virtual check-in meeting via Zoom to re-assess progress, fine-tune your training program, and answer any questions you have.
Access to SA Pro Training App with step-by-step directions on your daily training plans, progress tracking and feedback on your sessions.
Unlimited WhatsApp support during business hours
Video review of your training sessions, as needed
Daily support, coaching, and cheerleading; a coach in your pocket
​Training Packages:
First 4 weeks: $675 (+gst)
Additional 4 weeks: Regular $600 (+gst) Lite: $450 (+gst)​
Month-to-month renewal until you reach your goal or for as long as you want full support.​
Separation anxiety training takes time. While the Content at Home Alone program starts with a 4-week package, except in rare situations you will not have achieved your goal during this time. Every dog is an individual and there are many factors that go into each individual case, including your ability to complete the training and suspend absences. The rate of progress is completely determined by your dog and can be slow, particularly at the beginning, but often accelerates as training progresses. I encourage you to think in terms of months, not weeks or days when committing to working on this with your dog.
Please note: All clients must complete an initial consultation prior to booking any packages. Our Separation Anxiety Packages are custom-tailored for you, your dog, and your situation. Packages offered to individual clients are recommended on a case-by-case basis depending on the behavior and training needs of the dog.
Content At Home Alone

How does separation anxiety training work?
Separation anxiety is addressed through systematic desensitization. By slowly exposing your dog to the thing that they find most frightening - being left alone - we gradually teach them that they are safe. After you sign up for a training package, I will create your first training exercise. We will complete the first exercise together to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident with everything. We will use technology like external cameras, laptops, and smartphones which will allow us to see how your dog is handling a training session, without the added distraction of a trainer being in your home. During training, absence rehearsals should be as realistic as possible and working online allows us to achieve this. You can expect a total of four 20-to-30-minute training exercises per week, each created individually for your dog. Thereafter, each week is structured the same way—we meet online once a week to go through a training plan together and you proceed with a total of four training exercises. You will take two days off training per week. The training program can be very intense, and everyone needs a couple of days off each week to process, relax, and recharge. Throughout the duration of the package, absences need to be suspended except while training. This means that pet sitters, daycare, friends, and family may be needed for those times when you need to go out. Behaviour medications are often needed to see successful resolution.